Features of caring for a parrot

In encyclopedic publications, domestic animals include “all animals bred by humans to satisfy various needs, primarily for food, industrial raw materials, and also used as vehicles.”
But can this be said about pets? After all, people keep them not for practical reasons, but out of spiritual need. They are cared for and loved, regardless of whether they are useful or simply give the joy of communication.
My family has a budgerigar named Filya. This is a small bird of bright blue color. We experience great pleasure from communicating with him. Filya responds to the nickname, sits on the shoulder until he examines the whole face, ears, hair, neck - and flies away. This is very nice, because... Filya is very gentle and affectionate only in these moments. And the rest of the time our pet is sociable, active and fussy. He loves to listen to music and sing along at the same time, sometimes melodiously and drawn-out, sometimes loudly and forcefully. And we enjoy his trills. Our Filya is also an acrobat. He performs various tricks on the perch: stands upside down, walks around the entire cage on his claws, hangs upside down, turns his head almost 360 degrees. Filya is very kind and cheerful. He always has a very good appetite. He loves to eat apples, bread and carrots. But if Filya is dissatisfied with something, he starts screaming and pecking disgustingly. This happens extremely rarely.
The parrot needs constant care and attention. I conducted an observation and found out that our pet requires special vitamins and two teaspoons of food every day. I spend 15 minutes on this. 20 minutes. necessary for washing the cage, drinking bowl and feeder. Our Filya loves to fly around the apartment. A “walk” around the apartment takes approximately 2.5 – 3 hours. In total, it takes approximately 3 hours to care for a parrot. I am happy to devote this amount of time to my pet.
Guys who decided to get a pet. Being a pet owner is a stressful task. He needs food, walks, games and training. We must not forget that we constantly have to take care of both health and that the animal does not pose a threat to surrounding people and other animals.
Children should know that choosing a pet depends on a number of circumstances. First of all, these are psychological reasons:
- Does the future owner want to have in the apartment just a piece of wildlife, a small funny creature or a faithful friend;
- How strong are your nerves - are you able to endure noise, litter and other inconveniences;
- Living conditions are no less important: how often is a person at home, at what hours, how much time can he devote to the animal;
- Before bringing an animal home, you should think about where it will sleep, eat, and perform its natural needs;
- It is necessary to purchase supplies for keeping and caring for your pet in advance;
- Birds should be purchased only if none of the family members are annoyed by their singing.
- Future owners should take into account that birds have a very active metabolism, so they cannot be left without food even for a couple of days. This means that it will not be possible for the whole family to go somewhere; someone must be at home.
And most importantly, be sure to ask yourself whether you have enough love and patience for your living friend, whether you will betray him, because we are responsible for those we have tamed.
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