Bird habitat

Nature provides everything necessary for human life: and man cannot live without it. Previously, it was believed that wild nature is eternal, inexhaustible, and that people can use its riches unlimitedly. But rapid technological progress and mistreatment of nature have a great impact on the environment. She (nature) began to retreat, retreat, leaving wastelands, ravines, shallow and polluted rivers, lakes, seas and oceans to man. Over the past 10 years, two-thirds of the forests on our planet have been cut down, which means less oxygen has been produced. Man kills animals and they disappear completely. Over three hundred years, 94 species of birds and 63 species of animals became extinct.
Even partial deforestation affects the balance of the ecosystem, in particular affecting the bird population. Forest birds are especially sensitive to changes in their natural habitat. Every eighth bird species is at risk of extinction. By 2100, 10% of bird species will become extinct. The first bird protection society was created in 1865 in St. Petersburg. In the first decades of the 20th century, dozens of organizations dedicated to bird conservation appeared in Russia. It is also worth noting the popular protection of birds, that is, people respect pigeons, starlings, swallows, swans...
Now people everywhere are changing the face of the Earth. Where once there were forests, swamps and bogs, now there are meadows, cities, and villages. Where streams ran, meandering, today drainage ditches and canals stretch out like arrows. Where just recently the herbs were fragrant, now grain crops or forage grasses are turning green.
The destruction of the natural landscape, the poisoning of water, air and soil have deprived many birds of the necessary conditions for life. Direct extermination for meat, skins, feathers. The use of pesticides to kill weeds on agricultural land contributes to the destruction of birds. The existence of many bird species is under threat, their numbers are becoming smaller. Changes in the life of our country have harmed the protection of birds: poaching, deforestation, and pollution of water bodies have increased...
In our country, with the remnants of virgin steppes, the steppe eagle has almost disappeared, and few bustards remain. And the cutting down of old forests has harmed large birds that make their nests on tree branches and in hollows: owls, black storks. The drainage of swamps has led to a reduction in the number of cranes. And shooting the supposedly harmful magpie-thieves does not save other species of birds that are endangered. Magpies are only fulfilling their destiny, given to them by nature millions of years ago. There are many of them now only because they adapt to unfavorable conditions more easily than others.
Is it possible to quickly exterminate a huge number of birds? The sad fate of the Passenger Pigeon shows what is possible. They were exterminated by all means that were suitable for this. They shot from shotguns, rifles, pistols of different systems and calibers. They even used pots of sulfur. They were kindled under trees in places where pigeons roosted. Birds were caught with nets, killed with sticks, stones, even a machine gun was first invented to fight pigeons. Even dogs ran out onto the hillocks and caught pigeons by jumping into the air. There were so many of them. The tragedy of the passenger pigeons was completed by the construction of railways. Now it is possible to quickly deliver birds to markets, which is what the harvesters took advantage of. The last passenger pigeon was killed in 1899. This species became extinct due to the frivolity of man. And this is just one sad example of bird extinction.
Another example. On the island of Mauritius (in the Indian Ocean) there lived flightless birds - the dodo. They are 2 times larger than a goose. They ate plant foods, laid 1 egg and lived happily until humans appeared there. But in 1598 the Dutch landed on the island, they brought pigs and tame monkeys. The colonists killed defenseless birds with sticks, ate their meat and eggs, pigs and monkeys plundered nests. In 1691, the last bird was killed here. Only skeletons of dodos have been preserved in museums.
In this regard, in 1993, the Russian Bird Conservation Union was established. One of the most important tasks of the Union is the study of endangered bird species, the development of measures for their conservation, as well as environmental education of Russian citizens. It is important that children develop an interest in birds and their conservation from childhood. It is necessary to develop in children a sense of love for birds and responsibility for their future. It is important that children understand that birds cannot survive without human participation, and that they need help. Care must be taken to ensure that all birds have a living space in which they can survive. For example, in Switzerland in 1949 the last white stork died. But there were people who were able to return the birds to their lost homeland by building artificial nesting grounds. And the storks again circled over their houses.
The first of April is International Bird Day
I would like to say about our Kemerovo region. There are 14 state museum-reserves in the region. These include the State Nature Reserve “Kuznetsky Alatau”, “Shorsky National Natural Park”. The total area of protected natural areas of the region is 1258 thousand hectares, on which there are 275 species of birds. This year our region participated in the “Days of Protection from Environmental Hazards” campaign for the fifteenth time. In 2006-2007, the Kemerovo region was awarded first place in the competition among regions. More than 200 thousand Kuzbass residents from all cities and districts of the region are participating in the event. Competitions for children “Help the birds in winter”, “Best feeder”, conversations, drawing competitions, etc. are also organized. Children from our school, including myself, took part in these competitions. I believe that such events should be held more often. We also need practical measures that will help make the world around us cleaner and better: planting trees, clearing river beds and streams.
To preserve endangered bird species it is necessary:
- Expand forest areas where birds can live and nest.
- Ban clear cutting of forests.
- Reduce systematic grazing of livestock.
- Reduce pollution of rivers and lakes.
- Establish a ban on catching birds.
- Strictly follow the rules and terms of game hunting.
- Take special care of those bird species that are listed in the Red Book, which includes 290 species.
- A big role should be given to the protection of birds in nature reserves and sanctuaries...
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