Character and habits of cats

The cat has long been considered a sacred animal. People became acquainted with the cat in ancient times. This animal was domesticated about 4 thousand years ago. Scientists believe that the first domestic pet was a small dun cat living in the steppes and savannas of Africa and Arabia. The cat has extraordinary abilities. Her big eyes see in the dark, sensitive ears hear sounds that are elusive to human hearing, her movements are lightning fast. She miraculously senses the approach of danger, and more than once, thanks to cats, people have been saved from fires, earthquakes and attacks by robbers. In many countries, the cat was considered a sacred animal. They especially loved it in Ancient Egypt; here they were held in special esteem. They were adored, protected from the slightest harm, and when the cat died, the whole family was in deep mourning, they even cut off their hair. When there was a fire, the first thing they cared about was saving the cats. If someone intentionally killed a cat, he was sentenced to death as a murderer.
Dead cats were buried with great honors. The goddess Basta, one of the most revered by the Egyptians, was depicted with a cat's head.
In Germany, the cat was considered a servant of the goddess of love, who drove her chariot through the clouds.
The Romans brought domestic cats to Europe.
Cats were shown at festivals and exhibitions. In 1871 In Britain, an exhibition was held at the Crystal Palace, which aroused great interest among cat lovers. Currently, cat exhibitions are also held, where cats amaze with their unusual color, beauty, and grace.
Cats is the general name given to all members of the cat family. This means that our domestic cat is a relative of the lion, tiger, leopard, and lynx. They are all predators, that is, animals that hunt and eat live prey.
A cat living next to a person will not be able to survive in the wild, since it is domestic. She eats what is served to her or gets herself small prey, for example, mice, insects.
And cats are also indicators: they simply do not live in “bad” houses. A cat can heal some physical ailments with its biofield. For example, with renal colic, bruises, and injuries, pressing the cat's warm belly on the sore spot is often more effective than medical treatment. Sometimes petting your cat for 15-20 minutes a day is enough to keep your blood pressure normal. Often cats, jumping onto the owner’s bed, unmistakably press against the sore spot, and seem to relieve the pain.
The cat is the only one of all mammals whose energy system works normally only when it is possible to pick up negative vibrations.
But not every cat is ready to engage in healing. To understand how much negative energy a cat can remove, you need to take a closer look at it: how it moves, how much it sleeps, how often it needs food and water. The more often a cat becomes hungry, the less it sleeps, the faster it will work as a “healer.” So there is no need to hold the cat if it suddenly gets up and is ready to leave you. This means that she has already received a sufficient dose of negative energy.
It should be noted that cats prefer to settle in a place unfavorable for humans. Therefore, keep an eye on your pet and heed his warning
Families of cats differ in size, for example, the length of a lion from head to tail can reach up to 3 meters, and a domestic cat reaches approximately 50cm. A cat is an extremely beautiful, elegant and graceful creature. People never tire of breeding new breeds of fluffy beauties. Today there are more than a hundred such breeds. There are 3 types of cats:
Long-haired cats
These are massive cats. They have a stocky, dense, squat body with rounded outlines and short, thick, powerful legs. Long-haired cats have very beautiful fur: thick, thin, soft, silky and fluffy, up to 15 centimeters long. There is a fluffy collar on the neck. One of the most ancient breeds of long-haired cats is the Persian. Persian cats have a wide head and large round eyes, and a small, “pug-shaped” muzzle. The main decoration of the “Persian” is a wonderful long coat with a dense undercoat and a fluffy tail. The character of these cats is calm, their movements are leisurely, full of dignity.
Semi-longhair cats
They are medium-sized cats with medium-length legs and small oval paws. Their coat is also of medium length, thin, fluffy and silky. They are more active and cheerful compared to their long-haired relatives.
Short-haired cats
Short-haired cats come in medium and large sizes. Their coat is short, elastic, thick, and does not give the impression of being fluffy. The body is strong and muscular, with a well-developed broad chest, strong legs and a straight back. These cats are very active, with character.
According to the University of Lyon, there are about 400 million domestic cats in the world. The Palm is given to Australia. Where there are 9 cats for every 10 residents. On the Asian continent, the first place goes to Indonesia, where there are more than 30 million furry animals, and in Europe - to France, whose residents have 8 million cats in their care. At the same time, there are countries, for example, Peru, Gabon, where domestic cats are almost never found.
Every year, Americans spend $4 billion on cat food. That's 1 billion more than they spend on baby food!
In the process of my research work, I used the following methods: observed different cats, survey (parents, grandmothers, neighbors, classmates), search (review of scientific literature about cats, analysis).
Based on observations, I came to the following conclusions:
- Cats never meow to each other. This sound is designed specifically for people.
- A falling cat always acts the same way. First, the head is leveled, then the legs, and finally the back to soften the landing.
- The cat's ear rotates 180 degrees.
- If a cat is near you and its tail is shaking, this is the greatest feeling of love that it can express. When the tail begins to droop, it means the mood has changed - you can move away and she won’t be offended.
- Cats wag their tails when faced with a choice, with one desire blocking another. For example, if a cat is standing in a doorway and wants to go out, and it is raining outside, the tail will swing due to internal conflict. The cat wants to go out, but doesn't want to get wet. As soon as she makes a decision (stay at home or go out into the rain), the tail will immediately stop swinging.
- If the pupils are dilated, despite bright lighting, the cat is interested in something or is in a playful mood.
- Cats love heights.
- If a cat's whiskers point forward, she is very interested in something. Or in skirmishes he wants to scare his opponent. If the whiskers point back, the cat is scared and avoids touching.
- A cat’s nervous state is revealed by its ears – they twitch slightly, although the cat itself can sit quietly and watch. You can even touch a cat in this state and get it to hiss and hit you with its paw.
- Cats heal people by lying on a sore spot and with their warmth, delaying the pain.
- If a cat is interested in something, or she sees something new, she will definitely “feel” and smell it carefully.
- The pupils are dilated, and the muzzle betrays uncertainty - she is afraid of something and is ready to run away at any moment.
- The cat is sleeping curled up - it will be cold.
- Cats sleep stretched out when warm.
It turned out that cats have the best developed hearing and vision: hearing, without any doubt, plays the most important role during the hunt. A cat can even hear sounds that a dog cannot hear.
Vision is not so well developed. Cats do not distinguish colors, but in the dark they can see much better than many other animals and humans.
If you cut off a cat's whiskers, it becomes helpless, insecure, and inactive. But when the mustache grows, everything falls into place. This means that the mustache, as well as the bristles under the eyes, serve for the sense of touch. Well adapted for touch and paws.
The sense of smell and taste are at the same level. They prefer slightly salty, sweet substances, blood, milk.
The strange predilection of some cats for strongly odorous plants, for example, valerian, gives one the right to assume that their sense of smell is well developed.
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