Fauna of the Zhigulevsky Nature Reserve

A reserve is a territory (plot) of land or water space within which the entire natural complex is completely (and forever) withdrawn from economic use and is under state protection.
In the 70s, the reserve's predators began to disappear: wolves. Voices rose in defense of the wolf. But everyone thought it was unnecessary. Later it turned out that there were not so few predators. Four packs began to rob. There were 50 wolves in total. In order to live normally, each pack had to eat one elk per day, of which there were already few. Wolves began to be exterminated and their number decreased by almost 3 times.
Lynx is a rare predatory animal of the reserve, plays an important role in regulating the number of hare.
The white hare is the most numerous representative of fur-bearing animals in the Zhiguli forests
The eagle owl is the original inhabitant of the Zhiguli forests. Became a rare bird.
The Imperial Eagle is a large bird of prey. The species is listed in the Red Book of the USSR and is subject to protection.
The white-tailed eagle is a bird of prey. He hunts for fish. The eagle was listed in the International Red Book. At the same time, reports began to arrive that large birds were spotted near the Tolyatti hydroelectric station. It turns out that the Eagles do not fly south, but remain near the waters of the hydroelectric power station.
Sturgeon - length up to 3 m, weigh up to 200 kg. The number has decreased
Beluga is a sturgeon family. Length up to 9 meters, weighs up to 1.5 tons. Valuable fishery object.
Sevruga is a sturgeon family. Length up to 2.2 m, weighs up to 68 kg. Valuable fishery object. The number is declining.
Muskrat - some researchers consider muskrats to be moles. Previously, muskrats lived throughout Europe. Now there are two types of them - the Pyrenees muskrat and the Russian. The largest number of muskrats is in the Volga basin - 23,000 individuals. And back in 1978, 40,000 muskrats lived in the USSR.
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