Cats are extremely smart creatures

Perhaps we will not be wrong if we say that cats are the most popular pets in all countries of the world. Moreover, everyone knows the fact that in Ancient Egypt cats were considered sacred animals, protected and enjoyed universal love. The Egyptians called cats "the sacred guardians of grain barns" and punished with death anyone who dared to deliberately kill at least one animal.
Nature has endowed cats with ingenuity, thanks to which they learn quite quickly. These creatures are very clean and cannot tolerate even slight dirt on their paws or face, so teaching them to follow all the necessary rules of hygiene will not be difficult.
The peculiarity of the character of cats is that they best absorb information from which they can derive maximum benefit for themselves. Therefore, if the owner has set himself the task of teaching a pet something in a relatively short time, the first thing he must do is convince the cat of the feasibility of this skill.
However, from all this it does not follow that cats are hopeless egoists, for whom the main thing in the world is satisfying their own whims and needs. It's not like that at all. Cats are grateful creatures, respecting themselves, they appreciate a good attitude towards their unique person and will always remember those who paid attention to them and cared for them.
Cats, like people, have individual character traits that distinguish them from each other.
A person who wants to get a cat needs to be aware that any animal has a certain type of character, and this is especially true for cats. A cat is very independent by nature; it can leave its owner and lead a free lifestyle (usually if it is bullied in the house). It’s not for nothing that there is a saying “
For a cat to become a true friend of a person, you need to learn to understand it. Study her character, find a common language for communication.
In my work, I tried to reveal the secrets of mutual understanding between cats and humans.
The cat is the absolute champion among all domestic animals in observation and curiosity, in collecting information about its surroundings. You can verify this by observing her behavior in an unfamiliar room. She will immediately begin a thorough reconnaissance, looking into all the nooks and crannies. Moreover, even the most delicious dish or the owner’s attempt to play will not distract her from this activity.
The cat is very rational. She easily remembers what is useful to her, and shows amazing “stupidity” when it comes to things that are unnecessary, from her point of view. This is the peculiarity of the cat's mind. The cat's brain is designed in such a way that it is able to filter out unnecessary information and remember only what is necessary. Therefore, the cat cannot complain of poor memory and does not suffer from insomnia. A person can envy her for this.
How smart your cat is can be judged by tests created by scientists - ethologists. The owner answers the questions by observing the behavior of his pet in various situations.
All IQ tests for cats evaluate the following parameters:
motor coordination (dexterity in games and other manifestations of ballet and circus talents, a certain sequence of movements performed, for example, when washing, the ability to follow an object of interest only with the eyes);
sociability (does the cat express its feelings and desires using certain sounds and <
memory (does the cat know its name, does it have a sense of time, does it remember various events, both pleasant, for example, the sound of canned food being opened, and not so pleasant, for example, it is afraid of traveling in a car, since in this way the cat is usually taken to veterinarian);
adaptability and ingenuity (is the cat able to navigate a new environment, find a way out of unusual situations, does it come up with games for itself);
socialization (attitude towards familiar and unfamiliar people, as well as animals).
Most domestic cats pass the tests successfully. Of course, cats have their own Einsteins, who have independently learned, for example, to open a door by jumping to press its handle, or carry out a dozen commands.
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