The image of a dog in the works of Russian writers

A dog is a man’s faithful friend and helper, loyal to him by its very essence. Human qualities are manifested in the attitude towards dogs: love and affection, in other cases indifference and cruelty. Some people believe that love for animals, in particular dogs, gives rise to sentimentality and weakness, and we should raise strong, brave, firm people.
These people do not understand that only a good person can be truly strong and brave, only a humane person can be.
The fascist leaders, whose names are cursed by all the peoples of the earth, raised killers, letting the youngsters from the Hitler Youth raise puppies. And when the dog grew up, became attached to its owner, and he became attached to it, the future SS man was given a pistol, and he had to publicly shoot his dog. It was an exam, an exam for cruelty. The fascists who passed such an exam calmly tortured and shot, hanged and sent thousands of people to gas chambers.
One could argue that the SS men, although they shot their dogs, loved them.
We are talking about another love for dogs, about which Konrad Lorenz very precisely said: “Only that love for animals is beautiful and instructive, which is generated by love for all life and which must be based on love for people. Only those who are capable of feeling this way can give their affection to animals without moral harm to themselves.”
Gabriel Troepolsky said that “if you write only about good, then for evil it is a godsend. If you write only about happiness, then people will stop seeing the unhappy and in the end will not notice them; if you write only about the seriously beautiful, then people will stop laughing at the ugly...” This is probably why his work “White Bim Black Ear” is filled with joy, grief, happiness, and tragedy.
This story is about the life of a black-eared “non-show” setter, about an ordinary hunting dog whose name was Bim. Fate decreed that Bim’s owner, Ivan Ivanovich, was forced to leave for treatment due to illness and leave him in the care of his neighbor. But Bim was so attached to his master that he could not live without him for even one day. And it is from this moment that Bim begins to understand what the life of a stray dog is, what hunger, humiliation and betrayal by humans are.
He lived in the city and in the countryside, served as a hunting and guard dog, and most often played as a street child, searching for a long time and carefully for his beloved owner.
Describing the difficulties that the poor dog had to overcome, the author also writes about something else: spiritual deafness, callousness, cruelty, inability to compassion. After all, if it weren’t for the indifferent attitude of people, Bim probably would not have died and would have been happy with his owner.
Readers will long remember the terrible and disgusting figures of the noisy gossip - the aunt. “The only collector of dog badges in the republic” Sery, the poacher and thief Klim, and Semyon Petrovich, who mercilessly left Bim alone in the depths of the forest, tied with a rope to a tree. And how, after all this, can we talk about such a feeling as devotion between a person and a dog? Did Bim deserve such a disdainful attitude towards himself? He wanted so little - only freedom, only the desire to see his master, to find him.
And again, as the author said, “...not a single dog in the world considers ordinary devotion to be something extraordinary. But people came up with the idea of extolling this feeling of a dog as a feat only because not all of them, and not very often, have devotion to a friend and loyalty to duty so much that this is the root of all life.
... So among us, “humans”, there are modest people with a pure heart, “inconspicuous” and “small”, but with a huge soul. They are the ones who decorate life, containing all the best that is in humanity - kindness, simplicity, trust.”
So, let the memory of a white dog with a black ear make us kinder. If ever there is a stone in someone’s hand, if someone wants to throw a rude word after someone, you need to remember about Bim’s offenders and not become like them.
So, a dog is a man’s faithful friend, devoted to him by its very essence, which you can feel especially poignantly when reading the works of Russian writers who dedicated them to describing the life of an ordinary dog.
The attitude towards dogs reveals the most human feelings - kindness, love and affection. But in another case there is indifference and cruelty, evidence of which is stray, stray dogs, which can be a source of various dangerous diseases. And we are talking here, of course, about environmental safety. After all, sick dogs pose a threat not only to humans, but also to nature. Of course, this problem should not remain unresolved. It takes a lot of work to achieve any success. But you can start by reading works about dogs by our Russian writers, by cultivating spiritual qualities. A morally educated person will never do anything bad to “our smaller brothers.” And even this is enough to realize the loyalty and love of dogs for people.
Thus, take a closer look at the dogs that are next to us and around us. They are our mirror, the mirror of the owner, the mirror of our society.
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