Bird food and feeders

The city of Nyagan is located in harsh climatic conditions. There is a long, frosty winter here and snow covers the ground for seven months.
It’s hard for birds in winter. It is difficult to live not only because it is cold, but because there is nothing to eat. It is especially difficult to find food during snowfalls, blizzards, and severe frosts. In such weather, many birds die from hunger. Birds cannot find food under the snow. A hungry bird suffers greatly from the cold. Winter days are short, and in order to survive without freezing, you need to eat much more food than in summer.
First of all, you need to take care of the tits. Not only in summer, but also in winter, they jump from branch to branch, looking for crevices and cracks in the bark where insects are hidden. Even in cold weather, birds flying through the trees clear them of small insects and their larvae. Over the winter, the titmice will destroy all the nests of the hawthorn and lacewing. If the branches are covered with an ice crust after a thaw or there was heavy snowfall, searching for them is useless.
How can we help birds survive difficult times of hunger? They need to be fed. Make feeders for them and don’t forget to bring and pour food into them.
At the fourth stage of work, we began making bird feeders.
Feeders can be made in different ways, for example, it is convenient to use an empty thick paper bag of milk or juice.
You can use a plastic bottle.
During labor lessons, we made feeders from bags and hung them near our entrances, outside the windows of our apartments and on trees in kindergartens. .
And we asked fathers and grandfathers to make feeders from plywood. Two people responded to our request. Chebotkova Masha and Permyakov Seryozha brought such feeders, we hung them outside the classroom windows.
These feeders are made in the form of a table. They have sides so that the food does not blow to the ground. These feeders also have a canopy or roof to prevent the food from getting covered in snow.
The feeder should not be bright. This scares away the birds.
Conclusion: to feed birds in the cold season, it is necessary to make feeders.
The kids brought bird food from home. These were bread crumbs, crumbs of crackers and cookies, crumbs of waffles.
We finely crumbled all the pieces of wheat bread and dried them well, because in the cold the moisture turns into ice, and this is bad for birds. You can’t feed the birds rye crumbs either, because then their stomachs hurt. Sparrows peck at bread crumbs very well.
Many birds love sunflower seeds very much. At our feeders they were quickly eaten by pigeons, bullfinches and especially titmice.
But for the tits, we selected small sunflower seeds, and crushed all the large seeds in a mortar.
The guys brought peas for the pigeons.
We also fed the birds wheat.
But they pecked at the wheat only when there was nothing else left in the feeder. Irina Tkachenko brought food for the birds, which she and her mother bought at the pet store. The birds ate this food very quickly. In addition to seeds for tits, we hung unsalted lard on thin branches.
A small piece was wrapped with thin wire and attached to thin branches. It is useless to put this delicacy for tits on thick branches or in a feeder - the crows will take it away.
We tried to pour food into the feeders at the same time after the third lesson.
By this time, from ten to thirty birds flew to the feeders.
But during the holidays there was no food in the feeder at the usual time, and after the holidays for three days there were few birds near the feeder.
It is necessary to have at least a little food in the feeder every day.
Conclusion: different birds fly to our feeders and the food in them should be constantly varied.
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