Image of birds in culture

The image of a bird could acquire both similar and different features in different cultures, and also in many types of art, the image of a bird was revealed fully and multifacetedly.
Looking at the winged images-symbols, I cannot help but pay attention to the famous buildings and monuments of our city. One can note among the sculptural and relief subjects such works of art as the gilded angel on the spire of the bell tower of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, the angel located on the Alexander Column on Palace Square, the whole pantheon of angels on St. Isaac's Cathedral.
But I still want to talk about the winged symbol of St. Petersburg, which is known not only to every resident of the city, but also to many tourists around the world.
When we walk through the center of St. Petersburg, in particular along the Griboyedov Canal, the city on the Neva gives us a meeting with fairy-tale, mythological characters - griffins, which make up the design and construction of the Bank Bridge.
The sculptures of griffins are so colorful, perhaps due to the contrast of the materials from which they were created (the griffins are made of dark metal with bright golden wings), that at any time of the year you can see the beautiful graceful golden wings of griffins from afar. The sculpture is massive, beautiful and mysterious.
The bank bridge was built in 1825-1826 according to the design of Wilhelm von Graetter. The sculptures were created by P.P. Sokolov. The griffins are located on this bridge because it is located in front of the building of the former Assignation Bank. If we turn to mythology, then everything immediately becomes clear - griffins were obliged to guard treasures.
There is a popular belief that if you rub the paw of griffins, you will get rich.
Tourists also throw coins into the water to be sure to return to our unforgettable city, to these mysterious creatures.
You will see a softer, smoother, more graceful, and perhaps understandable image of the winged symbol in the famous ballet “Swan Lake”. The ballet was staged to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky in 1877. The first production director is Yu. Rezinger.
This ballet is based on a fantastic legend-tale about love and fidelity, about the tossing and turning of the human soul. The main character is Princess Odette.
She was turned into a swan because the evil wizard Rothbart cast a spell on her.
Tchaikovsky's music develops the theme of the “flight of swans” and conveys emotions, because the swan girl is not without a soul.
The image of a bird in ballet is endowed with soul and feelings. The ballet is remarkable in that everything is conveyed through movement, and the image of the swan is conveyed gracefully and soulfully.
I believe that choosing the image of an image in one form of art is neither necessary nor advisable.
I believe that in each form of art this image is revealed from different sides and complements the general idea of it.
Consider the image of a bird in mythology. Like all images, the bird symbol has many meanings. It contains both good, evil, mysterious and enigmatic meanings. This symbol is found in cultures of different countries.Some bird symbols: The dove is considered a bird that symbolizes or foreshadows death and doom.
In other sources it is associated with the world and is a symbol of the Holy Spirit.
Gamayun is a prophetic bird, a messenger of the gods, their herald, singing divine hymns to people and foreshadowing the future for those who know how to hear the secret.
Alkonost is a wonderful bird, a resident of Iria, the Slavic paradise. She is half-woman, half-bird, her face is feminine, her body is that of a bird, her voice is sweet.
Sirin is a dark bird, a dark force, a messenger of the ruler of the underworld. From head to waist Sirin is a woman of incomparable beauty, and from the waist she is a bird. Whoever listens to her voice forgets about everything in the world and dies, and there is no strength to force him not to listen to Sirin’s voice, and death for him at this moment is true bliss!
The Firebird is the embodiment of the radiant sun god - and at the same time the god of thunder.
Imagining the image of this bird, people associated it with heavenly fire-flame. Whoever masters at least one feather of the firebird will receive great happiness.
Phoenix is a bird that has the ability to burn itself. The phoenix was believed to have the appearance of an eagle with bright red plumage. Anticipating death, he burns himself in his own nest, and a chick emerges from the ashes. According to other versions of the myth, he is reborn from the ashes. Here are your ideas about an ever-renewing life.
Keinnari are female birds of extraordinary beauty, kind and amorous, known in the mythology of Southeast Asia (Burma, Thailand, Kampuchea), who live in the sky, but often visit the earth. They, like all women, love jewelry very much and without them they lose their magical power...
Simurgh is a prophetic bird of enormous size, originally from ancient Iran
Firdousi in his poem “Shahname” depicted it as a bird, “whose appearance is severe and powerful,” and compared it to a winged mountain.
Sirens are half-maiden, half-bird, predatory beauties with the head and body of a beautiful woman and with clawed bird feet. Suffice it to recall Homer’s famous “Odyssey,” in which the half-woman, half-bird sirens lured sailors sailing past to their island with their enchanting voices; from there they never returned.
Garuda is a gigantic bird with a human head, but instead of a mouth it has a beak. Garuda is considered the progenitor and king of birds. This is the riding bird of the god Vishnu. Garuda is an implacable enemy and snake eater.
If we turn to myths, the image of a bird is found in them very often.
Birds appear to us as divine symbols, heroes, half people, they perform various functions.
It is also impossible not to remember the great exploits of Hercules. His third feat is associated with the Stymphalian birds - birds of prey that lived near the city of Stymphalian. They were raised by Ares and had copper beaks, wings and claws. These birds attacked both people and animals.
The northern peoples have a legend. One day the birds decided to choose as king the one who would rise into the air the highest. The eagle soared so high that no one could compete with it. But just as he was about to descend to the ground, a small bird flew out from under his wing and rose a little higher. The other birds saw this. They chose an eagle as king after all, and jokingly called the ambitious deceiver a king.
Many people believe in myths and legends, but many do not. They believe that this is just a fantasy, a fiction. Images of winged characters took shape in the imagination of people who passed on legends and their ideas about mysterious creatures. People first conveyed their ideas through word of mouth and captured them in artistic images. Later they began to write down, thereby capturing their imaginary images. But still, there are no indifferent people! Turning to the theme of the image-symbol of a bird, I want to show my imagination, my perception of a fictional picture.
In my work I would like to talk about one of my fantastic birds, to describe what image I see.
I would like to introduce you to a magnificent painting by an unknown artist. Unfortunately, his name was lost over time and did not reach our century.
Every child is a creator by nature, probably everyone has had the opportunity to draw, invent and sculpt figures from clay, and do origami.
It was the same in ancient times - people have been observing the manifestation of creativity since childhood.
This picture belongs more to a child than to an adult.
I will try to describe it to you so that you imagine it in all its colors, and you will want to see it.
To make the bird in the painting look unusual and fantastic, it is painted with bright, eye-catching colors, mixed to create a new color.
Fantastic bird - it can be different...
The human imagination can find millions of images, but not everyone is able to transfer their creation to canvas so that it fascinates.
The painting is called “Gryphonofans Dreams...”. It depicts an animal that is half lion, half eagle, but also has a tail of colorful, incredibly exquisite feathers with beautiful patterns, and also has small, graceful paws. The bird has sharp claws, but at the same time angelic snow-white wings.
At the same time, this fantastic bird attracts and repels. If we associate this feature with literature, then we can say that the artist used an oxymoron - a combination of incongruous things.
The picture is beautiful, but at the same time mysterious, it will be understandable not only to children, but also to adults.
Why is the painting called “Gryphonofans Dreams...”?
I associate this with the fact that the bird is flying in the clouds. The bird is free, it wants to see a lot, it must decide where to fly, this somehow makes us think about what we should do with our own actions, with our own lives...
You can write about this picture for a long time, but it’s better to see it with your own eyes, to understand the meaning that you think the author intended.
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