Evolution of dogs

Evolution of the dog, Spitz breed. (the word evolution means development) The red color on the map indicates the territory of distribution of prehistoric wolves, in the same territory the remains of an ancient peat dog were found, from which Spitz-shaped dogs originated.
The dog was the first animal to be domesticated by man. After many centuries, people began to breed dogs by breed using pedigrees
Foxy - (Fox in English - fox) Foxy is our favorite. She arrived from Moscow three and a half years ago. Since then, we have not parted with her. She has a very independent character, but despite this she loves our family very much and considers them her pack that needs to be protected. The blood of champions of Russia, America, the Philippines and Poland flows in her veins. Foxy herself is also a champion of Russia. After studying Foxy's pedigree, we found her ancestors via the Internet who lived in America about thirty years ago. A Spitz puppy is not at all like an adult dog. At the age of one month, Foxy looked like a hamster. When she reached her third month, she became a tiny raccoon, and in six months she turned into a beautiful fox.
Our boy, Fansik, arrived from the city of Novy Urengoy. According to his pedigree, his name is Meisterwerk Wunderkind. Fancik will soon be two years old. He already has a daughter, named Mandarin. Fancik's father is a famous champion, originally from America. Fansik's mother's name is Ponochka. It's a completely different color. Its color is called black and tan.
For your pet to feel good, it needs care:
Food and fresh water, while the puppy is small, it needs to be fed much more often than an adult dog.
Walks are necessary, but an exception can be made for small Spitz dogs if it is very cold or dirty outside.
It is necessary to regularly clean your teeth, eyes, and ears. Once a month you need to trim your nails.
Comb the coat, the Spitz's coat does not roll or fall out.
The breed characteristic of the Spitz is the tail, dashingly thrown over the back.
We love to walk in any weather. There's never a dull moment with our pets. I really enjoy going to dog shows. Only Spitz dogs are shown by my mother, and I showed our third favorite of the breed - a Sheltie named Baloo.
To become a champion of Russia, you must win at least six times at different exhibitions and receive a certificate of candidate champion. Foxy has received more than 15 certificates.
Dwarf Spitz: this is a funny little fox, up to 22 cm tall, who is always smiling.
Famous artists depicted Spitz dogs in their canvases:
Portrait of Princess Yusupova with a white Spitz. Artist Valentin Serov.
Such great Russian writers as Griboedov, Pushkin, Green, Chekhov mentioned Spitz dogs in their works. There are even bronze sculptures installed for the heroes of Chekhov's “Lady with a Dog.”
Advice: under no circumstances should you buy a Pomeranian at a poultry market!!! You should look for a puppy in special nurseries or from breeders who attend dog shows.
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