Lifestyle of animals and birds

If a person preserved all the living things that surround him, perhaps all those animals and plants that we would never see again would still live on earth; people destroyed them. Every fifth species of birds and animals, every fourth species of reptiles and amphibians of our fauna is in danger today. 25,000 species of higher plants on the planet are on the verge of complete destruction. Over the past 60 years, 77 species of animals and several hundred species of plants, 26 species of birds have disappeared across the globe...
The destruction continues today. The goals are different: someone wants to get more money for selling a rare animal or its fur, someone wants to hunt for their own pleasure, and someone, without thinking, uproots flowers, kills a frog with a stick, throws a stone at a bird - having fun .
You often hear: “Man is the king of nature!” But who put man above nature? The man himself! Can a person exist without nature: without air, water, birdsong, the aromas of meadows, the rustle of leaves? It is impossible to imagine this... Nature generously gives us all this, and in return asks only for a careful, kind attitude towards it. Man should not be an enemy, but a friend of both animals and plants!
The irbis, or snow leopard, hunts alone in the world's highest mountains. There are few animals in these places, so he travels huge distances in pursuit of prey.
The snow leopard, along with the tiger, lion, leopard and jaguar, belongs to the genus of big cats.
The snow leopard lives in the mountainous regions of Asia from Afghanistan to western China, in the Himalayas, Tibet, the mountains of Mongolia, and also in Altai.
The snow leopard is protected by the IUCN. Hunting for it is prohibited, but prices for its fur are so high that poaching continues.
Leopard resting after a successful hunt
The leopard is one of the most dangerous solitary predators in Africa and Asia. It lives mainly in areas where trees grow. This hunter's senses are unusually heightened. The color of the fur perfectly camouflages the leopard. The main color of a leopard is shades of fawn and black.
Its closest relative is the jaguar; it has a similar fur color, but is larger than the leopard.
Small areas in southern Africa, Asia, the former Soviet Union, Korea, China, India and Malaysia.
The number of leopards in nature is constantly declining. In Asia Minor, Manchuria and other regions where it previously lived, the leopard has almost disappeared. Leopards are among the most endangered animals. In the first weeks after the birth of the cubs, the female does not leave them for a second, even to find food for herself. When she moves from one place to another, she carries the babies in her mouth one after another. An exemplary mother stays with them for 10 months, 5 of which feeds them with milk. Fast as lightning, a lynx jumps on a hare running past. Winter is a difficult period for lynx: there is snow everywhere, and prey is rarely seen. And she needs one kilogram of meat per day.
The lynx population is threatened in some places by direct persecution, as well as severe habitat disturbances (deforestation of mountain slopes).
In summer, seagulls have a dark brown “hood” on their heads.
The common gull is the most numerous and famous European gull. Initially, it was found only in coastal areas, but now it settles even in city centers.
This became possible thanks to the ability of these birds to adapt to different living conditions.
The gull family includes about 50 species, 13 of which are found in Europe. A close relative of the common gull is the glaucous gull.
The common or black-headed gull nests throughout Northern and Central Europe, on the Mediterranean coast and North Africa.
The number of the common gull is constantly growing, as it is not hunted. In addition, it finds a sufficient amount of food and occupies new biotopes.
Before swallowing a fish caught in the throat pouch of its beak, the pelican releases all the water from it.
The pink pelican is a fairly large bird. Its plumage is white with a pale pink tint. It is noteworthy that the flight feathers are black with white shafts. The pink pelican is a representative of one of the most ancient orders of birds. True, it moves awkwardly on land, but it is perfectly adapted to life in water and in the air.
Dalmatian pelican, brown pelican, rhinoceros pelican, Australian pelican, gray pelican, red-backed pelican.
They nest in the thickets of river deltas flowing into the Black and Caspian Seas, in Asia Minor, North-West Pakistan and North-East Africa.
Pelican nests are at risk of destruction for many reasons. Back in the 60s, approximately 3-5 thousand pairs of these birds nested in the Danube Delta, now only a small part of them remain here.
The shark has a strong torpedo-shaped body.
Carcharodon is an inhabitant of the seas. Feels good in warm water. Spends most of his time alone. Must swim all the time to provide himself with the required amount of oxygen. The appearance of Carcharodon is terrifying. It attacks humans more often than other sharks.
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