How to care for spaniels

I have a dog named Rex, a spaniel breed. It was given to me for my birthday. He is completely black, only there are white spots on his ears. When they first brought him in, he was so defenseless! The ears were very small, and the spots on them were not visible at all. That day the baby whined all night, and when I put my hand on him and stroked him, he gradually calmed down and fell asleep.
A lot of time has passed since then, Rex is now quite big. In winter he is sad, but in summer he follows me everywhere. A walk along the forest paths brings him a real dog treat. As soon as we step on a familiar path, Rex immediately transforms, his black eyes flash joyfully, and his fluffy tail begins to wag from side to side. At this time, I let him off the leash, and he seems to start dancing and rushing around familiar places. And in the village he is afraid of cars and avoids dogs, because he is still small in stature. But I love my dog very much, he is a true friend. He always greets and sees me off joyfully, we spend a lot of time together and play.
Although my Rex is big now, he caused us a lot of trouble when he was a puppy. These troubles were associated with ignorance of raising dogs at home. Over time, our family coped with this task. And that’s why we want to share our family experiences with all the guys.
First of all, the new “tenant” needs to find a suitable place where he will sleep, but not in a passageway, not in a draft or near a radiator. But the puppy still needs his own corner. Firstly, this way he can get used to the new environment faster. Secondly, if something scares him, this place will be a kind of refuge for him.
If the puppy falls asleep in the middle of the room after vigorous play, take him to the territory assigned to him. This way he will quickly learn to sleep in his place. For the bed, it is better to immediately sew a replaceable cover with a zipper, so that if necessary, it is convenient to wash it. Do you guys prefer your dog to sleep on the couch or in a chair? This is definitely a wonderful gift for her. Just keep in mind that most likely you will have to give the sofa completely to the dog’s personal use. Since frequent shedding, the smell inherent in dogs, traces of dirty paws and much more will make your upholstered furniture unsuitable for humans. The only thing you remember: an adult dog, just like a puppy, is strictly forbidden to climb any heights. Jumping off a sofa or chair can easily injure your pet's paw. So decide right away the issue of choosing a place for your friend: dogs very quickly get used to good things and then it’s difficult to wean them off.
On the first night, you may have to leave the puppy in your bedroom, next to the bed, because, afraid of loneliness, the baby may “cry” all night. If he does “cry”, you need to put your hand on him and stroke him, gradually he will calm down and fall asleep. During the day, move the puppy's bedding to its permanent place. After a couple of days he can be left alone. Never take a puppy to bed unless you want your dog to sleep with you when he grows up. Remember: you should not allow a puppy to do anything that you would not allow an adult dog to do. The puppy usually wakes up very early. But if, after wandering around the room, he realizes that no one can keep him company, the baby will soon fall asleep. So don’t worry: the “new settler” will gradually adapt to your rhythm of life.
Next you need to determine where the puppy will do “his business.” It would be good if this place was a corridor. This way your pet will gradually learn that “this” should be done away from the living area. To do this, you need to purchase a tray; it is advisable that the edges of the tray are low and it is open. Use newspaper or paper as an absorbent.
You need to start walking your puppy at 3.5 - 4 months, as soon as he has received all his vaccinations. To train your dog to “do his business outside,” you will need patience. Choose a time when you will be at home for several days (for example: holidays). This is necessary in order to take the puppy outside every 2-3 hours. Usually, as soon as a puppy wakes up, the first thing he does is run “about his business.” It is important that you take the puppy outside before he has time to realize his desires. He will have no choice but to do “it” on the street. Afterwards, be sure to praise the dog, repeating the word “walk”. A week is enough to get used to it, and the puppy will increasingly ask to go outside. If he ever does “his business” at home, scold him. Just be sure to figure it out - perhaps the puppy simply could not stand it any longer, and you yourself are to blame for this.
On the first day you bring your puppy home, try not to shower him with affection from all family members at the same time. Because he is not yet able to absorb so much information. Moreover, he has already received severe stress: he was taken away from his mother, he arrived at a new home, new people make faces at him and vying with each other to treat him to various foods that he has never seen in his life.
It is very important that all objects that are dangerous to the puppy’s life are hidden in the house. The wires must be raised above the floor. While looking around the apartment, the puppy will definitely try everything to its teeth. Your new pet can damage beautiful furniture, books and shoes, and break a floor vase. By punishing him for this, you are making a fool of yourself. He’s small and doesn’t yet know what he can do and what he can’t do. Shoes chewed by a puppy are a classic example of an unprepared environment for a dog. Hide your shoes! For teething puppies, shoes, boots and boots are a favorite treat. To make your puppy less interested in things that don't belong to him, buy him a few squeaky toys. And if there are no such toys in stores, then don’t be upset. Simple toys in the form of bones and even shoes with laces can be sewn or made by yourself. You just need to find time and a little imagination. So be bold! Your puppy can play with your new toy for hours.
Of course, you cannot forgive the puppy all the pranks. But he should be punished only if he is caught at the crime scene. If you do it later, he simply won't understand why you're angry. You cannot spank a puppy with your hand; do it with a folded newspaper.
Puppies arouse extraordinary interest among passers-by. Surely someone is trying to lisp with the kids, who react violently to these “kind” people. Therefore, just try to distract him from the stranger, caress him yourself and quickly take him away.
Do not allow the puppy to pull things on itself: its lower jaw is very mobile at the time of formation. With such exercises you can ruin his bite.
Gradually teach the puppy to respond to its name - to come when called on the street. Choosing a nickname is a very serious matter. It's good to have the letter "R" in your name. This nickname is easy to pronounce and can be clearly heard from afar. When calling your puppy to you, call him by name in a gentle voice, make a sign with your hand, and pat yourself on the thigh. If all else fails, just squat down, call him, and he will definitely run up to you.
Puppies usually don’t pick up anything on the street, but the “Fu” command should be familiar to them. After all, it will be more difficult to teach an adult dog this.
You can only pick up a puppy with both hands. Under the chest and seat at the same time, just not behind the front legs and not under the stomach. Hold him tight so that he
did not escape and did not fall. You should never lift a puppy by the scruff of the neck or by the front legs, because the shoulder ligaments may tear and the dog will remain crippled forever.And finally, about the menu for your four-legged friend. Remember, a puppy needs less carbohydrates than an adult dog, more dairy products and meat, and a complex of vitamins must be selected specifically for puppies.
Finally, love your pet, treat him like your best friend, do not offend him and take care of him. And then the puppy will also become attached to you with all his heart, and will be both your friend and protector. Trust yourself and him, and you will succeed.
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