How to care for a parrot and rabbit

Man is part of living nature, but he does not always remember this. Most often, a person considers himself the King of Nature. When starting to write my work about “our little brothers”, I really wanted my work to be able to convey to my peers, friends, classmates and even adults one simple idea: a person should not separate himself from living nature, he should constantly feel like an integral part of it, help all living beings.
Last school year I was sick for a long time and was hospitalized twice. After the next discharge, I discovered a red-haired miracle in my room - a tiny rabbit. Mom bought it in a subway passage. We called the miracle Frosya, Euphrosyne.
At first Frosya was afraid of everything, but when she got used to it, she began to show curiosity about literally everything that came her way.
I fell in love with my pet, who became my healer without knowing it. The doctors recommended me peace and a lot of positive emotions. All this was given to me by funny little Frosya.
Frosya is a breed of Japanese dwarf rabbit. She is red, but with age, black streaks have appeared on her fur. For food, she prefers hay; she loves oatmeal, semolina and buckwheat porridge, cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, and lettuce. Sometimes we give her some milk. Frosya drinks it with pleasure and appetite.
Frosenka lives in a spacious cage, covered with hay and sawdust, which often need to be changed so that my pet does not experience inconvenience and does not get sick.
Frosa will be one year old in October. She is already a fully grown rabbit, so her behavior has changed. Now Frosya sometimes grumbles, is aggressive, and when she walks around the apartment, she looks for a mink. She loves to jump on her parents' bed and run around in circles. She probably thinks that all this belongs only to her. She expresses her love in a unique way - she licks my hands when I want to get her out of the cage. But for some reason Frosya snorts at my brother, we think that she doesn’t really love him. Interesting: it’s a little animal, but it has its own tastes, preferences and character.
The dwarf rabbit has become a very popular pet. Many believe that this is a rodent, a relative of the guinea pig. But that's not true. Back at the beginning of the twentieth century. lagomorpha (Lagamorpha), to which rabbits belong, were included in the order of rodents. But already in 1912 they were allocated to an independent detachment.
Dwarf rabbits have been bred for over 80 years. In 1918, breeders managed to obtain rabbits with short ears, and a little later - with a shortened, blunt and rather large muzzle. The rabbit acquired a funny appearance and miniature size and was named Hermelin. This breed laid the foundation for dwarf rabbits.
The Japanese dwarf rabbit is a breed with beautiful, but difficult to maintain colors. This coloring is more or less symmetrical with dark and yellowish stripes throughout the body. The right side should be dark, the left should be yellowish and vice versa. The border of flowers runs exactly along the middle of the back. The pinnacle of rabbit breeding is a rabbit with a dark ear on the yellowish side of its face and vice versa.
Rabbits are sociable and funny, resilient and easily adaptable, they can live a long time, up to 8-10 years. Rabbits are vegetarians, their diet consists of herbs, vegetables, and bark. They make the most of their food, even eating their own droppings. Rabbits are farsighted, each eye sees a sector of 190 degrees.
Venya, a budgerigar, has been living at home for almost two years. I love him very much. Venya is a funny, mischievous and noisy parrot.
When he was little and getting used to our house, Venya sat calmly in his cage. Now he has grown up, settled down, loves toys, music, so watching him is a pleasure.
Music occupies an important place in the life of my parrot. Hearing music, a song, and often just the sound of water, Venya rhythmically sings along and chirps. Mom sometimes plays a specially purchased disc <
When we are heatedly discussing something with our parents, speaking loudly and emotionally, Venya begins her performance in the cage. It's funny, it seems to us that he is expressing his opinion on the issue under discussion. He probably wants his voice to be taken into account too.
And Venya is also a renowned bell ringer. He has a lot of colorful bells in his cage. He fights with them, boxes with his forehead, attacks and retreats, deftly hides from the blow of the bell, clings to the bells with his paws and swings them. Venya can do this kind of work for a long time.
Venya eats selectively. His parents say he is a gourmet. He only eats his own food, cucumber and lettuce. Surprisingly, neither the apple, nor the carrot, nor the turnip, nor the tomato were to his taste. That's how it happens! The bird is small, but has its own preferences.
When Venya appeared in the house, I did something wrong to him: I tried to get him out of the cage and injured his paw. The doctor said that it was necessary to apply a plaster cast, and that the fate of the paw was hopeless. But Veniamin was <
A few weeks ago we bought Vienna a girlfriend. They named her Caroline. The birds seem happy. They love each other, kiss, and in the first days Venya fed his girlfriend like a chick.
For the first time, one could hear about budgies from the chronicles of the times of Alexander the Great. The chronicles said that the commander’s soldiers brought talking parrots upon returning home. The cost of such a bird (due to the fact that parrots were sacred birds for them) was very enormous. Parrots were kept in special golden cages or in ivory cages. Special people were brought in to teach the manner of “talking.” It is clear why the price for such a parrot was high, because only very rich people could afford to buy such a luxury.
Initially, the habitat of these beautiful birds was India, but with the advent and discovery of new continents, they began to be brought from Africa. Later, parrots gained fame in America.
Budgerigars received the name “Budgerigars” due to the dark wavy stripes running in the neck, back and wings; the wavy on the head from a thin stripe goes to the sacrum into a wider one. The tail is straight and even.
Budgerigars are slender birds with a proud posture. During their appearance, they managed to win the hearts of many lovers and breeders.
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