What do birds eat in winter?

Tits and sparrows willingly eat sunflower, hemp, and melon seeds, but watermelon seeds - only the former. If you collect at least part of the watermelon seeds, which are thrown out in tons every year during the watermelon season in all cities, you could easily feed all the city and suburban tits.
If there is a shortage of food, so that the fed birds do not leave the feeders, you can feed them for a day or two with table scraps: first of all, lard, fat of all kinds; sausage (the tits peck out the fat from it first); bones boiled in soup (in the so-called sugar bones, tits always find at least a little bone fat); cheese or cheese crusts, which are best cut into small elongated pieces; raw, boiled or fried meat.
For pieces of lard, meat, sausage, and cheese crusts, a pin feeder is convenient. Its length is about 10 cm, it is bent from steel wire, one end of which is sharpened with a file. Suspended on a thread, such a feeder is inaccessible to magpies and crows, and agile tits cling to it perfectly.
Pigeons feed mainly on seeds and fruits. Most of these birds swallow the fruits whole, filling their voluminous crops with them. The ability of pigeons to take water into their beak while drinking distinguishes them from all other birds and allows them to quickly quench their thirst.
Sparrows feed on seeds, earthworms and insects.
They feed on seeds, berries, and various insects.
In summer, tits are almost invisible. But in winter, birds fly closer to people: it’s difficult, hungry in the forest at this time. It is easier to live in the city in the frosty winter: tits eat crumbs and cereals, pieces of meat and lard. It is very important to feed tits in winter, because in summer they are beneficial by destroying harmful insects and especially caterpillars. A tit eats as many insects per day as it weighs.
Bullfinches feed on seeds of various berries and fruits.
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