How to choose the right dog

Every person dreams or has dreamed of someday having a dog. And it’s not surprising - after all, everyone wants to have a faithful and devoted friend, but this is also a very big responsibility.
Parents believe that a puppy is another small child who requires attention, love, additional material costs, and he also needs to be given a separate sleeping place in the apartment.
Parents are also afraid that they will have to spend a lot of time on walks. I decided to convince them that having a dog in the house is good.
How to choose a puppy?
Many, falling under the influence of fashion, choose a “fashionable” puppy at this time. I had to conduct a survey of elementary school children to find out what breeds of dogs live in their home.
It often happens that a person’s temperament does not coincide with the character and habits of a dog. Watching my friend’s very active Fox Terrier dog, I realized that this dog would suit energetic, active, cheerful people, and my friend loves to read, play on the computer, i.e. prefers a quiet lifestyle. Lately, their communication has become a burden to each other. I thought about how to choose the right breed of puppy, combining it with the temperament of the future owner, so as not to repeat a similar situation. I really like to study astrology, so I decided to try to combine the zodiac signs of people with the character and habits of dogs, observing the dogs of my relatives, friends, neighbors and their owners. As a result, I was born with a “dog” horoscope:
- Aries - Laika
- Taurus - Newfoundland
- Gemini collies
- Cancer - Airedale Terrier
- Leo - Great Dane
- Virgo - lapdog
- Libra - Afghan Hound
- Scorpio - Giant Schnauzer
- Sagittarius - German Shepherd
- Capricorn - Rottweiler
- Aquarius - mongrel
- Pisces - Doberman
The feeding ration should include: meat, liver, lungs, milk, bread, crackers. Most owners (90%) feed their dogs 2 times a day (morning and evening).
Dog horoscope
Dogs, like people, obey the basic laws of astrology. That is, they correspond to certain signs of the zodiac circle.
Laika is a fighter. For her, it doesn’t even matter what she fights for, as long as she fights. By nature, she is exuberant and cheerful, and is not trusting of strangers. The blood of polar wolves flows in her veins - angry and cautious. She is a person's best assistant on dangerous journeys.
Newfoundland. This is the “bourgeois”, where stubbornness is hidden under the mask of good nature and strength rarely appears. Like any Taurus, this breed is happy with itself and its position. But in a risky situation, such a “Taurus” - Newf is truly transformed, becoming like a strong and brave black fish. Newfies do not idealize their owner; they know how to be grateful for everyday comfort. They are friends who do not sell out their neighbors.
Collie (Scottish Shepherd) are real twins, where all thoughts and emotions are expressed in “language” (perhaps there is no more talkative breed). In terms of their gloss and beauty of color, they can be compared to court ladies. But if you bring several “kollukhas” together, then this is a gathering of market women who have not shared a place in the market. There are probably no great intellectuals among dog breeds. Sometimes they behave somewhat frivolously, but in serious moments they become faithful comrades (usually out of curiosity and a thirst for new sensations).
Airedale Terrier. This breed harmoniously combines such traits as kindness and courage. Erdelikhs are exceptionally caring mothers and always tenderly love their owners. They are playful and friendly towards people and children. If something threatens the object of her affection, then the soft “Rakina” turns into the merciless “Scorpio.”
Dogs are real kings, both in soul and in deed. What is their appearance worth? They are noble and do not remember evil. Having accepted a challenge to battle, the Great Dane will never retreat, and having won, he will let the villain go in peace. Self-esteem is so developed that it is very difficult to train such “royal persons.”
Bolonki are true “virgins”. Pedants to the core. It can be difficult to get along with them, but if you manage to adapt (and they seize power in the house immediately and forever) to such a character, then this is your truest friend. Being extremely punctual, these coquettes and nigglers demand the same from all members of the owner's family. There is only one owner for a lap dog. If he dies, then the faithful “maiden” lapdog will not live long without him.
Afghan hounds are real “Libra” beauties. Polite and sophisticated peacemakers, but at heart they are selfish and selfish. They are lazy by nature and will never get into a fight. Always and everywhere they strive for external and internal harmony. Lovers of all kinds of comfort (it is recommended to comb them 3-4 times a day). Finding themselves in harsh conditions, they quickly wither and die.
Giant Schnauzer "Riziki" are caring mothers, they are always "Scorpios" at heart. That is why they are such excellent watchmen (Scorpio nature). When an attacker makes his way into a protected area, the Giant Schnauzer does not bark, like other dogs, but carefully chooses the moment when he becomes the complete master of the situation, and only then rushes into battle. The owner for the Giant Schnauzer is both God and king. Other people practically do not exist here, they are only tolerated (out of politeness).
German (East European) Shepherd. Even the symbol of "Sagittarius" - an arrow in a taut bowstring - expresses the character of this breed. Swiftness and barely restrained strength. Extraordinary accuracy, prudence in movements, its special advantage over any opponent. A characteristic feature of a shepherd dog is love and devotion to its owner. Even if the owner acts badly and turns away from his friend - the shepherd dog, she will still, risking herself, always protect him from danger.
Rottweilers are true Capricorns, persistent and reliable. Their character and appearance clearly expresses the perseverance and firmness of their chosen path. And in the mysterious amber-yellow eyes sparkle intelligence and great understanding. Beneath the external equanimity lies a faithful and restless heart.
Mongrels are true “Aquarians”, combining the virtues and vices of all dog breeds. The most valuable thing for them is freedom. They are perhaps the most adapted to life in the human world. Being hungry, the mongrel will steal. But she will never betray anyone who hands her food.
Dobermans are true aristocrats. Their appearance is pure arrogance. These are creatures of another world, far from our vanity. Their females are very nervous and impulsive, at times cheerful and at such moments they love everyone (which, however, quickly passes). Similar to the character of the zodiac "Pisces", Dobermans skillfully adapt to any everyday conditions, perfectly existing due to the initiative of their neighbors.
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